North Henderson Baptist Church
North Henderson is a Bible believing Southern Baptist Church.
We believe that the Bible is perfect and without error. 2 Timothy 3:16
There is only one way to have salvation and that is through confessing your sins, believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and asking Him to be your personal Lord and Savior. Romans 10:9-10
Once a person has done that our eternal destination is secured and we can live with the joy and hope that only He can bring. Romans 8:38-39
“Jesus Christ is coming back and today is a good a day as any.” --Pastor Eddie Nutt
Upcoming Events
Weekly Services
Meet Our Pastor
Pastor Nutt is a graduate of Southeastern. He has been in full time ministry since 1999. He pastored Middleburg Baptist Church for 13 years and Tally Ho First Baptist Church for 9 years before the Lord called him to North Henderson in February 2021. Eddie has a video on Facebook each Wednesday called, "My midweek pick me up". It is a short encouraging reminder to help get us through the week. He has also been writing for a pastoral column for the Daily Dispatch on a rotating basis with other local pastors since 2002.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
We believe in the power of a simple gift. Once a child receives the gift, they hear about the greatest gift of all time, the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. NHBC is the longest running continual shoe box drop off site in the State of NC. We have been the areas drop off site for over 20 years. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child visit
How to find us
We have an elevator. Accessible entrances are availalbe at the side and rear of the sanctuary building.
“That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with his mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” Romans 10:9-10